Sunday, July 18, 2010

Movie Review: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Jay Baruchel is lovable in his role in The Sorcerer's Apprentice. He's just a geeky college student who know much more about physics than girls. But I jump ahead. When he was ten years old, a wind-blown note from a girl leads him into a strange shop where he finds Nicholas Cage's character, Balthazar. Balthazar has been searching for decades to find Merlin's heir-to-sorcery. You guessed it! None other than our cute little nerd, David Stutler. The camera has shown us very clearly that the 10 yr old's name "David" is embroidered on his backpack. When Balthazar calls him David, David replies, "How did you know my name?" Balthazar tells him and David proceeds to act like a dog chasing it's tail and he spins around trying to read his backpack. This is typical of the humor in the movie. Yes, it's pretty simple. Yes, it's a little corny. But yes, it's also pretty funny.
There are good moments and there are some pretty awful moments. One of the good moments is an homage to Mickey Mouse, or as I call him (like Pete does), Mickey, the Mouse and Fantasia. One of the bad moments? At one point a HUGE bronze bull comes to life. HUGE. Cage hides behind a car. A car? This is a HUGE bull. Then the bull gets his horn stuck on a Volkswagen Bug Car. It was just silly. At another point, Cage is standing on a ledge and tells David about how important it is to value every moment you spend with loved ones and with supreme drama, as in draaaaaama, he falls backwards off the building. It was just silly.
I thought the good moments outweighed the bad and there were some tween-age boys behind me that said, "Awesome" over and over through out the film. Two women leaving the theater at the same time I did were humming the song from Fantasia and told me that the movie was "fantastic!". I'm not quite as enthusiastic. If you have tween-agers, I think they will love it, go to the theater. If you don't have kids who would enjoy it, my recommendation would be to wait for the DVD. It was good, but for adults, Inception, was much better.
Blogmania bloggers are all about building relationships - between our blogs, our cherished readers, the online community and business owners. We value each other's opinion as we all are endeavoring to make the best choices for our home life. So it seemed natural to partner up with The Lane Real Estate Team and Breebee's blog to bring you our first ever twitter and blog blast party.

The Lane Real Estate Team is all about building relationships through communities - specializing in Kennewick Homes for Sale. And Bree is a blogger - and a mom - trying to think outside of the box and help build community ties in NW Columbus OH via her Kid event website! Our other twitter party sponsors also offer items to help strengthen and maintain relationships - from stationary to hand stamped sentiments.

Our Party Theme: "Building toward Blogmania with The Lane Real Estate Team" []

Info on the Blog Blast:

If you post on your blog(s) our announcement between now and the twitter party you will be entered to win $100 cash. If we reach 500 blogs there will be two additional $50 drawings, totaling 3 winners! You can email me, or for the HTML code for blog(s) links and some posting specific OR ask the post owner for info and that blog owner will provide you an HTML code.

Please return with your specific blog post links on Bree's Blog, under her Twitter Party PAGE tab.

Info on the Twitter Party:

9:30-10:30pm, Sunday, EST we will party!

There is a custom tweet grid and a linky for early RSVP. RSVP'ing early also enters you into special drawings. You do not have to RSVP to tweet and win but the 'extra' will not be available.

You can win both the blog blast and at the twitter party!

RSVP at BreeBee's:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Deal Alert - Book Bargains at Barnes and Nobles

Barnes and Noble is having their Summer Clearance Sale and their are some awesome bargains - up to 90%. Shipping is free on orders over $25.

Here are some of the choices I loved for Rosie, but there are many great adult titles and books for older children as well!

This Enchanted sticker book, regular price $6.99 is only $1.78!

Dinosaurs, Wee Sing & Learn, CD and Book is only $2.99.

Miss Rumphius, an American Book Award winner, is only $3.58.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book and Memory Game is only $3.99 and so is

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Preschool Numbers and Shapes ($3.99).

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Friday Follow
I'm doing a quick, short Friday Follow post because of Blogmania.
Click here to see the Friday Follow List at One2Try Click here to see the Friday Follow List at Trendy Treehouse
Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Movie Review: The Back-Up Plan

The Back-Up Plan, starring Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Loughlin is a fun and entertaining movie. The opening credits said that it is an "Escape Artists Production" and that gave me an idea of what was to come - a pleasant escape. If you have a few spare hours, this is a fun way to escape from grocery shopping, laundry, dishes and be entertained. There aren't deep serious thoughts that will stay with you and keep you awake at night. Jennifer Lopez is beautiful and as always, a joy to watch. The costumes are good, the shoes are great! Alex O'Loughlin stands up to her star power and holds his own. You may fall in love with this guy! If you're a huge Lopez fan, you will love this movie. If not, I would put an "x" in the "okay/like" column. There is nothing that makes it stand out from other romantic comedies.

Even though I laughed out loud more times in Back-Up Plan (and so did the rest of the audience I saw it with this morning) if you're going out tonite with your guy, I'd recommend Date Night instead. That movie, starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell, has elements of a romantic comedy but there are chase scenes and gunfire for the guys, as well.

The Back-Up Plan Storyline: (no spoilers) Jennifer Lopez's character, Zoe, hears her biological clock ticking. She wants to have a family with children, but hasn't found the right guy. Step-in, artificial insemination. Leaving the doctor's office, she meets the-guy-of-her dreams. As you can imagine, the boy meets girl is a bit complicated.

Date Night Storyline: (no spoilers) Tina Fey and Steve Carell play a married couple wondering if their lives have become too mundane. They go out for dinner to a popular Manhattan restaurant with no reservation. On an impulse, they take someone else's (haven't you always wanted to do that? I have!) and a case of mistaken identity pulls them into more adventure than they dreamed.

Bottom line? If you're a die-hard Jennifer Lopez fan or hopeless romantic, go to The Back-Up Plan, you will love it. Otherwise I would stick with Date Night or even better yet, stay home and rent The Blind Side - that's a hands-down winner.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Giveaway - Pillsbury Pizza and Game Night

Did you hear loud laughter between 7 and 8 o'clock tonite? The KLY family had a fun evening thanks to My Blog Spark and Pillsbury!

It was the first time we tried Pillsbury Pizza Crust and making our own pizza at home. We eat pizza at least once a week - but usually from carry-out or frozen. It was hilarious to see Rosie making a spaghetti smiley face on her part of the pizza! I had my olives, Sean loaded his with sausage. Grandma and Grandpa looked on, shaking their heads and laughing. We had good-natured rivalry and all boasted about our pizza making skills, but agreed at the end that it was all delicious. Rosie and Grandpa even sang a duet, "when the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, it's AMORE." We will definitely be doing this again, our family, or for even more fun, with guests!

Our package also included a Pictureka game from Hasbro. Have you been to the Family Game Night website? They have great tips, recipes, and an age-appropriate game guide.
Click here for money saving coupons from Pillsbury. One of Sean's favorites is stuffed crust pizza and you can also find a a video tutorial there on how to make that special treat!

Would you like to win a Pillsbury Pizza and Game Night package of your own?
A coupon for free Pillsbury Pizza Crust, four triangle-shaped pizza plates, and a Hasbro game.

Main entry
Go to Pillsbury and tell me if your family likes thin crust or thick crust pizza.

Additional entries
1. Subscribe via email or rss feed to Kelly’s Lucky You
2. Follow Kelly’s Lucky You
3. Put the Kelly’s Lucky You button on your sidebar or blogroll page
4. Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to your post in the comments
5. Follow @KellysLuckyYou on Twitter
6. Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day)
7. Become a Fan of Kelly's Lucky You on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you)

Leave one comment for each entry.
Contest ends May 2nd at midnight CST.

One winner will be chosen and notified by email to the email address provided in the winning comment. The winner must respond within 48 hours of the notification email, or another winner will be chosen.
See my Giveaway Rules page for further information.

Good luck!

The VIP coupon, information and prize pack was given to me from Pillsbury through MyBlogSpark. All opinions are my own.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Free-bee 8 x 10 print at Walgreen's

Cost of prints:2.99
BIG8X10: -2.99

Subtotal: 0.00

Sales Tax*: 0.00

Pay in store with pickup Total: 0.00

Don't you love to see that total? $0.00 !!!

Walgreen's Photo has a free 8 x 10 as their deal of the day today. Upload a picture, click on "prints". Select the size 8x10 and checkout. Use the coupon code BIG8x10 and you'll get a $2.99 credit. Using in store pickup, the final total is.... FREE.

I didn't have time to carefully go through my pictures, but I had this collage from last time there was a free enlargement offer. It will make a great gift for one of Rosie's aunts.

The offer is only good for 4/9.